The Smarter Way to Mop Your Floors

2019-10-24 13:46:52

You've been used to grabbing the mop to clean or wipe away the dirts, but will you actually make the floor dirtier? If you're left with dingy flooring, you might break the rule of the mopping: Vacuum first, mop second. 

And it is also a misconception that more soap equals cleaner floors. Actually, using too many detergent is likely to leave behind a sticky residue which can trap more grime.

So it is important to select Mr'right cleaner and mop that's best for your floor type.

Cleaner for the floors

Hardwood floor

If your floors are finished with polyurethane, you should use a mild soap with water. If your floors are waxed, you should use a damp or almost dry mop to prevent them from being warpped.

Laminate floor 

Try damp mopping and spot cleaning, you should never use a commercial floor cleaner.

Stone tile

You should se a mild cleaner and skip bleach to mop, because even small amounts of water could damage to the stone tile's seal.

Ceramic tile

It is great to use white vinegar with water to mop.

Choose the right mop

Tile floor

For a quick cleanup, use a dust mop to pick up dust and debris.To scrub your tile floor, use a wet string mop, strip mop or flat mop.

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Hardwood floor

Never use a wet mop or bucket on hardwood floor. Using too much water or even leaving a tiny bit of water can ruin the floors. There are 2 mops you could use on hardwood floors. First, use a dry mop to collect dirt and dust. Second, follow up with a microfiber mop or a steam mop to clean your hardwood floors without leaving them sopping wet.

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Laminate floor

Typically, there are three types of units for laminate floor to clean more efficiently and safely: spray mop, spin mop, and flat mop. Many models double as a dry or damp cleaning tool. Spray mop is suitable for a quick cleanup. The unit comes with a built-in or detachable container to hold cleaning solution. The spin mop with bucket set is the best option for giving laminate floors a thorough cleaning.It features a splash guard to keep the water inside the bucket and a foot pedal that allows you to wring the mop without stooping.The mop may use disposable or washable sheets to handle big jobs or small spills.

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About the bucket

Use one bucket for rinsing and the other for the cleaner. By dipping the dirty mop into a separate rinse bucket, you can wring out the water without contaminating the detergent bucket. When the water in either bucket gets too dirty, replace it. But you don’t just dump the old batch down your kitchen sink. Mop water is full of germs and dirt, so dispose of it down the toilet.

Wipe in the right direction

Begin mopping in one corner of the room and then work your way back toward an exit to avoid stepping in the area you just cleaned.

Have a clean-up

After finishing your mopping work, soak your mop head in a mixture of bleach and water to disinfect it. Wait 10 mins,then rinse and wring out the excess water.